Paul Nolan

Paul Nolan from the UK is a part-time teacher, part-time author, and part-time house mechanic thrown in for good measure.

Before taking the ‘Write Storybooks For Children’ course Paul’s ambition was to become a published children’s author. He had already written a story but it was not yet published.

Due to his busy lifestyle Paul did not have the time to sit and read books on how to get published and other training courses seemed expensive for what they were.

However, he made the decision to invest in ‘Write Storybooks For Children’. Before he sat down to write, and even when he had finished his first draft, Paul would turn to the copious notes he took as he progressed through the modules. The knowledge and insider tips he learned from the course helped provide the gloss to make his books shine.

Shortly after taking the course, Paul’s debut novel “Demons OF Dunkirk” was published by Mogzilla Books and instantly received rave reviews! It has also peaked in the top 20 within its Genre (Young Historical Fiction) at Amazon. The book is also available in many libraries and he has also sold many signed copies at events nationwide.

To say I’m delighted with this is an understatement. Book two has now been written, and the third is underway. Now, the rat-race is a thing of the past and the future has never been more exciting!

Paul Nolan

“Demons of Dunkirk” by Paul Nolan can be purchased online at:

“Charlie’s mother and father work at a Spitfire factory in the fishing port of Hamble. After a run in with a brutal instructor on the naval training ship Mercury, the teenager finds himself on the run from the British navy.”